The foot contains over 5,000 nerves. Each one of these nerves corresponds to a gland, organ or a muscle in the body. Everyday we rely on our feet to get us to our destinations. Yes, the feet are used to receiving this amount of stimulation. However, when we run or walk long distance the feet sends distress signals to the spine, legs and parts of the body.
So how does reflexology work? The idea behind reflexology is that by working the entire foot the reflexologist is encouraging the body’s natural healing abilities to address the imbalances throughout the entire body, and not just the area in pain at that moment. By stimulating these nerves it in turn stimulates each part of the body. Reflexology can also help with these painful foot conditions: Achilles tendinitis, Bunions, Heel Spurs, Neuroses and Plantar Fasciitis. Although Reflexology can help with these forms of foot pain, a reflexologist is not treating for a specific condition.